Recently, we purchased a Fundus Camera for our practice. Without going into a technical discussion of exactly what a Fundus Camera does, it essentially takes a photo of the back of the eye. The highly specialized image documents a baseline image that can be used for comparison over time. As we age and our bodies change, so do our eyes, which is why it is great to have a standard to compare by and see any changes over time. In addition to setting a standard, this screening can be used to diagnose potential eye diseases.
While the economy is down, it might not make sense to most optometrists to make capital equipment purchases. However, Dr. Maredia feels that a Fundus Photo screen is an excellent compliment to a comprehensive eye examination. We strive to be the best eye doctors in San Antonio and in order to accomplish this, we must have the right tools to do the job.
Please call us at 210-826-3937 to find out more details about this new equipment.